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4. Trinational Technology Circle Industry 4.0 (EN/DE/FR)


février 2021

16h - 18h

organisé par :

You have to change everything so that nothing changes.

Many companies operate in an extremely dynamic environment. Customers expect their needs to be met quickly. To remain successful as an entrepreneur, it is becoming increasingly important to benefit from a networked environment.

The Technology Circle Industry 4.0 is a great opportunity for us to exchange information and know-how. This meeting is a continuation of the Technology Circles of the past years.

Join our trinational Technology Circle Industry 4.0.

Focus Topic 1: The Digital Transformation Toolbox: Concepts and Components for your Digital Transformation Strategy
Focus Topic 2: The Workplace Transformation: Project Methodology and Case Studies

Conference language: English
Workshop language: German, French, English

Participation is free, however registration is required before February 14, 2021.
